Dr Manveer Singh Matharu
Associate Dentist
GDC No. 278761
BDS (London)
Only by doing this and taking time can I help my patients make the right decision about their treatment.
Effective communication with my patients is another one of my core beliefs. This , and only this, enables myself actually focus and understand what the most important outcome is for my patients .
Meticulous planning and creating a well thought out treatment planning is another aspect which I integrate into my care. I focus on outcomes that deliver the intended result with priority given to long term dental health instead of quick fixes. The above involves me fully explaining X-rays, photos, study models and simulations that have been created. This ensures my patients have full understanding of all aspects of my treatment.
I have undertaken courses such as the renowned Aspire Dental Academy’s , Advanced Operative Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry , and Advanced Occlusion and the Invisalign Full Accreditation. Areas of interest include Restorative and Prosthodontic Dentistry and I am hoping to undertake a MClinDent in Prosthodontic Dentistry in the next year. ”
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